Executive health checkup-Female
Master Health Checkup
Master Health Checkup Plus
Week Master Health Checkup

Health Checkups

Executive Health Check up for Females

This package is specially designed for females. This package carries investigations for women related problems. Diseases like cervical cancer and cyst formations etc. are prevalent in almost one among every eleven patients. Hence, tests like Pap Smear to detect cervical cyst is not only a preventive step but has become mandatory for women above 40 years of age.

Laboratory Investigations:

1. Blood Routine Examination
     � Total Count
     � Differential Leukocyte Count
     � Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate
     � Hemoglobin %
2. Lipid Profile
     � Serum Triglycerides
     � Serum Cholesterol
     � LDL
     � HDL
3. Blood Sugar FBS/RBS
4. Serum Glutamate Pyruvate Transpeptidase
5. Urine Routine Investigation
6. Urea
7. Creatinine
8. Pap Smear

Cardiac Laboratory:

     � Chest X-Ray
     � Ultrasonography Screening Lower Abdomen
     � Ultrasonography Breast Screening

Physical Examination & General Consultation by Gynecologist
Complementary Breakfast

Package offered at Rs. 2,500/-

down town hospital ltd. 2006 . All rights reserved 

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