Health Checkups
Master Health Check Up Plus
Sedentary workers with high stress levels are more prone to develop cardiac problems and bone diseases just as you enter the age of 40. It is better to know the status of your Heart and Bone which may help to rule out the probability of having Cardiac arrest and Osteoporosis.
The Cardiac Laboratory and the Radiology & Imaging Department offers Computerised Stress Test (TMT),Bone Mineral Density Test(BMD) giving a better interpretation of the cardiac condition and the bone strength . This is further supported by Pathological and other Radiological investigations.
Laboratory Investigation:
1. Blood Routine Examination
� TC
� Hb%
2. Blood Group
� Rh
3. Lipid Profile
� Serum Triglycerides
� Serum Cholesterol
4. Blood Sugar
� Fasting Blood Sugar
� P.P. Blood Sugar
5. Liver Function Test
� Serum Glutamate Pyruvate Transpeptidase
� Serum Glutamate Oxalo Transpeptidase
� Alkaline Phosphatase
� Billirubin
6. Urine
7. Uric Acid
8. Urea
9. Creatinine
10. Total Protein
� Albumin
� Globuline
11. A.G. Ratio
Eye Test
* Auto-refractometer
Cardiac Laboratory
� E.C.G.
� Computerised Stress Test(TMT)
� Bone Mineral Density(BMD)
� Chest X-Ray
� U/S (Whole Abdomen)
1. Physical Examination & General Consultation by Specialist of Medicine
2. Cardiology Consultation
3. Eye Consultation
4. Orthopaedic Consultation
5. Diet Counseling
Complementary Break-fast
Package offered at Rs. 4,000/-