Accident and Emergency
Anaesthesia & Critical Care
Diagnostic Division
Operative Facilities
Special Clinics


The hospital has a fully equipped laboratory with sophisticated equipments and performs routine as well as special tests. It has a fully automated analyzer, the only one in the Northeast that is capable of performing 750 tests in an hour. The laboratory has a blood gas analyzer and a fully functional blood bank approved by the Govt. of India where blood is available on exchange basis.

  • Histopathology

  • Cytopathology

  • Haematology

  • Biochemistry (Tumour markers).



Dr.K.C.Baruah, MBBS, MD

Dr.Nandan Phukan, MBBS, DCP

Dr.Pranati Kakoti, MBBS, DCP

Dr. Plabita Mohan, MBBS, MD



down town hospital ltd. 2006 . All rights reserved 

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