Shankar Madhab Rural Charity Hospital, Panikhaiti

The proposed project envisages the establishment of a rural charity hospital. The proposed project site is at Panikhaiti which is situated about 12 kms. from down town hospital ltd. The promoters have already acquired about 44.7 acres of land and presently the site development activities at the project site is in full swing.  

It is proposed to complete the construction of the entire hospital complex over five phases. While the long term goals of the project is extensive, the immediate plan is to have a total bed capacity of 300 beds initially as under-

        Particulars                                   No. of Beds  
                      Deluxe rooms                                            5
                      Paying cabins                                           71 
                      I.C.U./ I.C.C.U.                                           32
                      Recovery rooms                                        16
                      Neonatal                                                   16
                      General wards                                         150
                      Day care                                                    10

for detailed information on down town Charity Trust, visit




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